
Deze pagina’s zijn in het engels ten behoeve van mogelijk internationale ontwikkelaars

This endpoint MUST be implemented by the following roles:

Trust Framework Catalogue

Used to obtain broker evidence from the trust framework catalogue. Broker evidence can be used by a data service broker in future data service requests to data service providers. In the DSGO broker evidence expresses the power to act of a data service consumer to a selected data service broker. For more information about data service brokers in the DSGO, see Datadienstbrokers.

The trust framework catalogue MUST provide broker evidence via the /brokers endpoint

Information about the use of a data service broker is provided in brokerEvidence object, see the object definition of brokerEvidence. The brokerEvidence object is based on the delegationEvidence object, see delegationEvidence object.

Note, at this time, brokerEvidence provides a data service broker the complete power to act for a data service consumer in all data services. It is foreseen that a data service consumer may only wish to grant a data service broker partial power to act in specific circumstances (for example, in a specific data service, or only at a specific data service provider). When this becomes relevant, the brokerEvidece object will be expanded in line with the delegationEvidece object.

The /brokers endpoint follows the generic technical requirements, as well as the requirements specified for specific methods. The figure below gives an overview of the HTTP methods that are supported by the /brokers endpoint. These methods are further detailed and specified in the pages below: