
Deze pagina’s zijn in het engels ten behoeve van mogelijk internationale ontwikkelaars

This endpoint MUST be implemented by the following roles:

Authorization Register

This endpoint MAY be implemented by the following roles:

Data Entitled party

Used to obtain delegation evidence from a data entitled party or authorisation register. Delegation evidence can be used in future data service requests to data service providers if delegation is enabled in their data service. In the DSGO delegation evidence expresses the delegation of rights from a data entitled party to a delegated data service consumer. For more information about delegation in the DSGO, see Delegaties.

Autorization registers MUST provide delegation evidence via the /delegation endpoint

If data entitled parties wish to provide delegation evidence, they MUST provide delegation evidence via the /delegation endpoint

The /delegation endpoint follows the generic technical requirements, as well as the requirements specified for specific methods. The figure below gives an overview of the HTTP methods that are supported by the /delegation endpoint. These methods are further detailed and specified in the pages below: