GET /subscriptions

Retrieves a list of all subscriptions have been made accessible to a data service consumer by a data service provider. This may include subscriptions at any phase in their lifecycle.

DSGO.Basis: Data service providers MUST support a GET call to a /subscriptions endpoint to retrieve a list of available subscriptions



The data service provider is responsible for determining a suitable authorisation policy for their subscriptions resources. See Autorisatie for more information.


For information about the parameters that are common to the trust framework’s API’s see Generic API Requirements, and for parameters common to all subscriptions methods, see /subscriptions.


200 OK

Successful, the response body contains data providing a list of subscriptions available to the data service consumer. The data is structured as an array of subscription objects as indicated in the example below:

DSGO.Basis: Data service providers MUST include a list of subscription resources available for the data service consumer in a response to a successful GET calls to the /subscriptions endpoint

DSGO.Basis: Data service providers MUST provide a count of the number of subscriptions included, in the count parameter, in the response to a successful GET calls to the /subscriptions endpoint

{ "count": 4, "subscriptions": [ { "id": "sub_123", "resource_type": "subscription", "href": "/subscriptions/sub_123", "created_date": "1663752217", "start_date": "1663801199", "end_date": "1663801199", "consumer_id": "EU.EORI.NL000123456", "provider_id": "EU.EORI.NL000345678", "description": "detailed description of the subscription", "event_type": ["Modified"], "status": "active", "webhook_url": "" }, { "id": "sub_345", "resource_type": "subscription", "href": "/subscriptions/sub_345", "created_date": null, "start_date": null, "end_date": null, "consumer_id": null, "provider_id": "EU.EORI.NL000345678", "description": "detailed description of the subscription", "event_type": ["Modified","Deleted"] "status": "inactive", "webhook_url": null }, {...}, {...}, ] }